Introducing ROBOMATIC 2.0, the ultimate diamond shaping robot, seamlessly compatible with LAZER LEAP technology. With the ability to handle up to 600 diamonds at once, ROBOMATIC 2.0 ensures precise shaping and consistent quality. Say goodbye to manual labor and embrace the future of diamond shaping with this revolutionary system.

Compatible with


Robomatic, Robots, Automation


Undertake batch diamond cutting operation for up to 600 stones and let the ROBOT take care of the rest.

SMART automation results into no human intervention, again maximizing outputs. The machines are their own master and literally can work by itself without needing any human checks. Yes, one operator can operate minimum 5 machines at a single stretch.

ROBOT performs an entire process from rough stone placing to setting to cutting to picking up and placing new one without any kind of human hindrance with maximum possible accuracy and pace. So ultimately as there is no human interaction you can say NO TO HUMAN ERRORS.

ROBOT is developed to work endlessly to match up the endless theme of production and accuracy. It can work 365 days for you with consistently highest accuracy level and optimum production. Absolutely extremely high Up-Time.

With its array of multi functionality and advantages, ROBOT simply prove the best value for money decision for the diamond processing business and that in extremely eye opener affordable price.

Download ROBOMATIC 2.0 brochure

Key Features

Automatic Cutting Data

Automatic Centering

Automatic Cutting Marking Detection

Process Completion Acknowledgement

Automatic Process Skip

Rough Diamond Pick & Place

Full Automation


